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In order to keep our members reaching new standards, always trying to push themself out of their confort zone, WORLDWIDE FITNESS NATION will create some challenge for our members. Sometimes it could be a single time challenge, sometimes it could also be a 30 days challenge.


Challenges will be created to make everyone challenging themselves.

It will be you facing yourself. Never try to be better than anyone else in the group! Just try to be better the the person you were yesterday. No one starts from the same point so it would be pointless to be sad because someone did better than you. Just do your best and be proud of yourself!


We want everyone to stay motivated. Being challenged is a nice way to push ourself to new limits!


Here is our first Worldwide Fitness Nation Challenge as decided by vote from our members. We had 6 choices for our first challenge and the majority voted for "HOW MUCH TIME YOU NEED TO DO 50 BURPEES". There's a post on our Facebook groupe page showing the method to do a burpee the right way. Girls can do the same but can put their knees en the floor while doing their push-ups. It's your choice. And later we will do it again and we will see if we improved! Thanks for your participation all!


Post you results on our Worldwide Fitness Nation group page, starting your post by "Worldwide Fitness Nation first Challenge" than your results and maybe a comment on how it went. Do not try to beat anyone's time. It's worthless.

It's only you vs you. Just do you best!

Good luck to all!

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